Finally a +opk ******UPDATE

Jessica • Boy mom 🚀💙 Due with baby girl 4/14💜

Update!! Took a couple of HCG tests with fresh morning pee and I got two BFPs!! I fully weaned 5 weeks ago in hopes to have a cycle which NEVER came!! I tested with OPKs every single day for months (im literally on my 4th box of opks (50count in each box). I caught my first positive and now this 13 days later!

I finally had a positive OPK after no pp cycle (son is 19m). It has been about 12 days since my +opk and today I started having primarily right sided pain. It feels like ovulation pain but all tests have been a clear negative since the one + 10 days ago. Could this actually be implantation pain?!?! I did have that with my first. Wishing I could test already and see if I was actually able to pull off a BFP on my first catch.