Invite narcissistic Mom to baby shower?



We are having a social distancing shower with zoom option. I doubt many people will come in person.

I stopped talking to my Mom about 2 months ago because of her typical narcissistic behavior. (Focusing more that she couldn't tell people we were pregnant instead of mentioning she was happy for us, not expressing any emotions that baby didn't have genetic abnormalities but sharing our announcement, etc.)

We tried having a conversation with her a few weeks ago to set boundaries. I told her some things that upset me. She didn't apologize for any and instead tried to one up me with things I did to hurt her. I got an email follow up today with a response to boundaries I tried to set and she completely disregarded them all, invalidated my feelings, and insulted me (I'm plus size and she said I should put a mirror in front of me to see how poor my eating habits are). She's completely opposed to therapy, and thinks I'm the problem. Thankfully, I have a sister and she has told my Mom she is a narcissist, so I know I'm not imagining this. (I also am in therapy also)

My husband is supportive and we are both concerned about her having contact with our baby.

I'm almost at the point of severing the relationship, but want to read a book about this first.

My sister is sending out the invites on Friday and I know from my sister's wedding shower that my Mom will likely only cause drama and distract from everything. So I don't know what to do.

Has anyone gone through this? Did you invite your Mom knowing it's likely you're going to end the relationship?

Thanks in advance!