Constant tension headaches


I called my ob last week at 33 weeks conferences because I have constant tension headaches that nothing seems to help, sleep, I’ve packs hot packs, Tylenol you name it nothing helps and it’s pretty constant. She prescribed a headache med as my net looked good and my blood pressure was basically perfect. The problem is I have had the hardest time getting it filled every time I got to the pharmacy they say they need to fill it, wait a half hour. Well I can’t do I call before I head in, yup it’s ready come on in. I get there nope it’s not ready can you wait a few minutes while we get it ready. I’m so sick of it. Not to mention I wish I didn’t have to take prescriptions so I guess I’m wondering what do you all do to help with tension headaches? I have an ob appointment this afternoon so I will be speaking to her about this again and voicing my concern about not being able to get my rx. But I’d like something natural if possible to help.