Diarrhoea and cramps

L • 🇬🇧 Mummy to a 💗 4yo 2015 💗💗 2yo twins (One stillborn 🌻) 2018 💛 Ectopic March 2019 💗 Baby due Sept 2020

Hi ladies.

I am 32.4 weeks today. I’ve had a couple of days in bed due to headaches and feeling unwell then today I started with Diarrhoea which has lasted all day and now I’m having random painful cramps including in my back.

Should I be worried? or could this be due to the 💩💩

I’ve drank LOADSSS the last few days as I have been so thirsty and my blood pressure has been roughly all day today. Thanks


Just been to the toilet again and lost a large amount of mucus. Could be coincidence who knows 🤷🏼‍♀️