Please be close to labor 🙏


So at my 37 week appointment on Monday (37+2) my doctor told me I was already dilated to a 2!! This is my 3rd baby and I had elective inductions at 39 weeks and 39+3 with the others and have only ever gotten to 1.5 cm by that point so I was VERY surprised to hear I was already at a 2 so early! I know it can stay that way for weeks but I started losing pieces of my mucus plug throughout this week and baby girl has dropped super low and barely moves now, I've had contractions on and off a few days and even though I was basically constipated the past 2 days I am having the worst diarrhea today and am hoping my body is cleaning itself out in preparation!! Please send me all your good vibes, Hubby has been working out of state 10+ hours from home for the past few months but got put on a job close to home this week and we aren't sure if he will have to go back to the other one next week, so we are hoping she either comes this week or hangs in there till im 39 weeks and get an induction!