My Husband is so cute! 🥰


So back when my husband and I were dating, we were living 2 1/2 hours away from each other. We saw each other about every 3-4 weeks and at one point had to go 2 months without seeing each other.

One time I wrote him this little note and stuck it in the visor of his car for him to find later. It said:

Dear Peter,

I love you.



And he found it and kept it in that car ever since!

Well last week his car broke down for good. And he got a new one and had a junk place come pick up his old car today. Well he forgot to take that note out and then he was messaging me about it later.

He was actually upset about losing that note and brought it up multiple times today! It melted my heart ❤️ he’s just so sweet

So I called the place and asked them to see if they could find the note and mail it to us. And they are!! I can’t wait to get this note back and hide it in his new car! 🥰