Second missed period in a row, faint bleeding


Maybe someone can give me some hope. I'm 37 years old and my husband and I have been trying to have a baby for about 6 years now. Several times I thought I was pregnant only to get a negative.

A few years ago my gyn did a D&C procedure due to polyps on my ovary. My period has been much more irregular since... I think she broke me me more!!! I never missed a period until after that procedure...😔

Today at work I had faint bleeding only when I wiped, and it went away about an hour later. I have no cramping, no indication that my period is on its way, however, my period is 36 days late, so I recently missed my second consecutive period. I took a test after my first missed period and got a BFN. I'm procrastinating another test because I'm tired of feeling my heart sink.

I just need to know, has anything like this happened to anyone? I doubt this is implantation bleeding since this is my second missed period?

Any insight or hope?

Thanks ladies. Good luck to all of you.