Where do I even start?!


Good afternoon!

I am new to this page/group and I am totally struggling. I was diagnosed with PCOS and endometriosis quite a few years ago.. My fiancé and I get married 10.03.2020, so just 2 months away.

We were going to wait until after I finished nursing school to begin planning our family, but due to COVID causing a delay in my start date and a great promotion a work, we have decided to start trying right after the wedding. It was actually my fiancé who brought it up and is so excited. I think this is why I am already feeling so discouraged.

Knowing how badly he wants this makes me feel even worse about my body. He is so beyond understanding, but that does not stop the feelings in my own mind.

I honestly don’t even know when my last true period was, which means no ovulation. I am so discouraged, scared and worried. We have our first OB appointment to talk fertility September 8th, so I would truly love to hear personal journeys, stories, or advice any of you ladies have.

Thank you all!
