I never knew

I never knew how lonely I was going to feel while being pregnant. I thought I’d feel the opposite to be honest. It really brought to light who my actual true friends are. A few girls I’d call my “best friends” haven’t even once messaged me to say “how is your pregnancy going?”, “how are you feeling?” ....I’ve been pregnant for 7 months lol. My friendships have ended because I have stopped reaching out first.

And tonight my tears are for the hurt I’m feeling from missing my boyfriend and not feeling like a priority to him. He doesn’t do anything other than sleep and smoke weed when we’re together but if he’s with anybody else he’s not sleeping and having a great time with them.

I have just gotten used to the fact that I’m alone ALL OF THE TIME, and forgot that it’s normal to have to friends to talk to and go out and do things with... oh yeah I forgot I’m supposed to be able to do those things with my partner as well.