Would you start a fresh ivf cycle or keep trying FET?

So on 2nd FET, going Monday for beta but once again I really don’t think it took. I tested the trigger and since day 7 past transfer it’s been a solid negative. Now there are exactly 2 left out of 5 embryos left..BUT my dilemma is.. do I try again with FET or try to get some more eggs. I’ve been doing a list of pros and cons but idk, I’m so over this 😔

On one hand I’m 33 so my logic is we should try to get more eggs now rather than later (if the FET took, we wouldn’t be able to get more eggs until I’m 35 at the drs recommendation 1 year after birth we can try <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> again). But we would have to get a loan to even consider starting over, insurance doesn’t cover any of it.

On the other hand, we have exactly 1 year left living in Europe. This poses a whole mess of issues with getting passports to move back to the US in time and etc. so to avoid the issues that others in our situation are dealing with, we would stop trying FET in October and then start over, roughly in feb/March 2021 (not trying to fly across the Atlantic so close to a due date since we have to leave in August 2021, no sooner and no later). We are fine leaving the embryos in Europe, heck of a lot cheaper to fly over for FET than doing it in the US and we don’t know where we will be going anyway.

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