Momma chicken does it better


I didn’t think that nearly every single egg I gave the hens to sit on would be fertile but it’s looking that way.

This hen just went broody for no reason. No roo around. So I gave her some eggs to adopt. It doesn’t look like it but I think she has 8 eggs under her. Keeps them tucked away nice.

Here’s momma

Here’s a future baby lmfao. And yes that egg really does have a baby in it. I’ll try to take pictures of it later.

I promise you’ll get to see the little chicken embryo

If you want to see these specific babies I’ll show you but candling in the coop makes me nervous so here’s an example off google. The little black dot is it’s eyeball.

It’s like 90% eyeballs right now, but they wiggle around in there

Some of them in the darker shells seem much bigger, so they may hatch sooner. I have an incubator on stand by just Incase mom leaves the nest after the oldest hatch.

I just realized it looks like she’s locked in a box so I’m adding this picture

She can get out anytime she wants. But she has baby fever, so she doesn’t.