PLEASE HELP, I need a wellness check on my little brother I dont know where else to turn

My mom and stepfather are evil toxic people. My mom is emotionally abusive with a victim complex. She constantly tries to manipulate everyone to get what she wants. My stepdad was emotionally and physically abusive, made a paddle to hit us with (this was before my little brother was born), groomed me to be the favorite kid to pit me against my older brother and sister. My mom encouraged us to give him massages to get on his good side because he HATED US

I’m 12 years older than my little brother (I’m 22, he’s going to be 10 on the 12th) and I had moved out of their house when I was 13. Their abuse left me with trauma I didn’t realize I had until recently. I was depressed and suicidal from a very young age. I don’t go to their house alone, only for events my other siblings are at because I genuinely feel like I would be trapped in an uncomfortable situation. Like I need witnesses to be around them. I haven’t spoken to my stepfather in years, he looks at me like he’d find enjoyment in killing me. I believe he is a sociopath

My poor brother is stuck out there. They live about a 40 minute drive from any of us. He’d been home since March due to COVID, He’s miserable. He talks about having depression. I believe him. And I think if he knew how he’d self harm (If he doesn’t already) and worst case scenario, I don’t even want to think about it.

It’s breaking my heart. I’m genuinely worried for him. He told me he didn’t think he’s allowed to come to my house, his dad wouldn’t like it. What broke me was today my mom sent us pictures of him, and he looks absolutely miserable. I asked my sister why he looked so sad and she said he had a pretty bad panic attack and he was calling himself terrible things, like he’s stupid and a failure. HE IS 9 YEARS OLD!!! No child should be telling himself that. And he looked like he had a busted lip, and she told me it’s a fever blister purely from stress of living in that house. At least my mom said it was a fever blister. And she didn’t want to bring him to town for lunch with my sister because of it.

I’m livid. I would have nothing to do with them if it weren’t for him. They are killing their child. I know for a fact that I would’ve been dead had I stayed with them. But I had my brother and sister, he has no one. No escape.

I need your help. I need to know what I can do, who I can call to help him. I’ve heard CPS doesn’t take emotional abuse cases as seriously as physical abuse and as lols as he “looks fine” they won’t do much. I think he’d be too afraid to tell a social worker the truth. But I can’t just sit here and do nothing!! He’s only allowed to interact with me in very controlled settings, I try every chance I get to tell him I’m there for him and I love him, but I think he’s scared to talk to me about anything for fear of them finding out. He just tells me he thinks he has depression. I don’t want him to cope the way i did

We’re in Louisiana if that helps with any legal stuff.