She ate the baby 😑


So this whole “chicken does it better” business is not going as planned.

My broody hen ate one of her eggs that had a 7 day old embryo in it. It was the only egg she ate. 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑

It’s like...she waited for it to get big enough to eat and just...

yeah so I’m setting up the incubator... I might take the eggs and put dummy eggs under her. 🤨🤨🤨🤨

She ate my favorite egg.

While you soak THAT in, here’s an egg I collected today that I never put under the hen. After being laid they’re kind of in a frozen state until they’re warmed up. It’s been sitting on my dresser in my bedroom nice and cool.

I think I’m gonna name it Fred. Fred the egg. Sorry Fred, your to be mother is fucking crazy I guess so you’re stuck with me and an incubator.


I think I’ll put googly eyes on Fred.

It won’t hurt it any. And it’ll be fun to look at.

I decided against taking her eggs from her. I feel like they’re hers and if she ate one baby that was nature taking course? She hasn’t eaten any more eggs. Still sitting on them.

She has an endless supply of food and water and is on feed with high calcium, they all are because they’re egg layers.

I have updates