i need help

i am 10 pp and i just dont think im ready to get back into bed with my husband. what i mean is that, mentally ready. im physically fine other than being as dry as a desert down there, but im just not in the ~mood~

like ever and i feel bad rejecting my husband’s sexual advances and i can tell its frustrating to him. we’ve had sex once and it was really painful since i was so dry, and we discussed that maybe lube would be better next time...but tonight i rejected him and he lashed out at me...i just feel guilted like i should have to have sex with him and i just dont feel ready but i also feel like its not fair to him either.

im not entirely experienced either so im not sure if that has anything to do with it. ive never orgasmed but i do get pleasure from pleasing my husband.

Is anyone else feeling the same way?