opk - pregnancy help much needed!!!


On Saturday 2 weeks ago, I had egg white cm and a few days before hand I was almost opk positive. I have pcos so I never really have a set time for ovulation, kinda have to wing it most times.

Last night (Saturday, exactly 2 weeks after) I had some tingling lower ab cramps and again egg white cm. Got all excited that this was pregnancy related as I’ve heard you can get egg white cm when you’re preggs, but used a cheapy digital test which was a negative.

I decided to check my opk again and it came out blazingly positive (test line was darker than control). This morning I checked opk again and it went back to a negative, but this afternoon I checked again and it’s back to a positive.

This afternoon:

Would love to know if it could be a sign of early pregnancy? 🙌🏻