Small blessings 😻

Megan • Aidenzmomie👨‍👩‍👦 workingon#2

So my husband and I have been TTC our second child for now 20 months. And its been a an emotional and at times depressing journey to say the least but about a week ago my 6year old son stumbled upon a tiny 6week old female kitten in the woods outside our house.

My son is in love 💘

And yesterday my husband was doing some yard work and ended finding an even smaller female kitten under the shed in our back yard. Im calling the animal shelter to see what I should do because I honestly don't know if shes big enough to be away from mom but mom is nowhere to be found. I went out and got kitten milk replacement and a tiny bottle and I plan on adopting her to be a playmate to our first surprise kitten.

Already bffs

I feel as if God put them into my life for a reason. Might not be a pregnancy but it is a beautiful life that is depending on me and I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure neither of these little girls are scared or alone again.