PRAISE GOD! It Is Finally My Turn


I will say thank You God so many times! I just wrote a post not long venting that I wanna be pregnant. I took a test at 9DPO (07/31/2020) and it was negative. Pic below

But I didn’t allow a negative test to let me give up because SO much was happening this cycle that NEVER happened on the other cycles while TTC. This cycle, I had the following symptoms: nausea everyday (not throwing up, just that feeling) no matter what I ate, that feeling was still there! I got bad indigestion every day, like I would lay down and just clutch my chest, on 6DPO, I spotted for just an hour pink blood (I will say that morning, I drank my moontime fertility tea which I never did past ovulation), I had headache galore!! Oh my goodnesss, I tried to take the natural way out, but I had to bite the bullet and took two Tylenols! Still got minor headaches after that. Blue veins spread across my chest. And I was such a bitch! I would look my partner dead in his face and say “I can’t stand you” knowing I be all over him 😂😂😂😭 But I just took a test at 13DPO (today) and low and behold

God is great. I honestly did stop tracking so much this cycle and just went with the flow and boom, pregnant. But I did pray to God a lot. My partner’s birthday is Saturday, this will be my gift to him 🥰🥰🥰! 9DPO is too early so DONT give up yet! BABY DUST TO YALLL. 😘😘😘💕💕💕💕