We Are Ready


You have been forewarned, it’s a little bit lengthy but not too bad. It’s a good read though.

Hello ladies!! I have so much running through my mind and I have since yesterday morning. It’s 7:58 AM here in Florida and I’m nervous as all get out. I did my first round of unmedicated

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>

back in March and it failed. I’m in the middle of my second round and I’ve taken Clomid 50mg for 6 days CD 3-8. I had my day 12 ultrasound yesterday and had a 16mm & 20mm follicle on my left side and nothing on my right. I want this so bad. I want it for myself & for my husband. I know beyond a shadow of any doubt that we will be great parents, it’s just getting there is the tricky part. I’m sitting here writing this as I wait for the nurse to call me back so I can do my second

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>

today. I’m really not sure why I’m so nervous. Is it because I know it will work this time? Or because I’m scared that it won’t? Or because I’m so full of hope, but don’t want that hope shattered? Maybe bc my husband and I want this so badly that if it doesn’t work, we’ll be so crushed and not sure what to do if it doesn’t. I really don’t know. I just need God’s peace that passes all understanding to wash over me. I’m trying so hard to relax and not worry about anything. Words of peace and encouragement are warmly welcomed. NICE WORDS ONLY PLEASE!!! My husband and I have been trying for over 7 years, so we really need this to work!! I am so full of hope and excited it will work this time. I’m sure of it!! We’ve talked about if it doesn’t work and made plans for if it does. We’re prepared for either way, but not really lol. After all, how can you be prepared for either outcome!! They say that you’re never really ready to be parents lol. However, I will say this. I’m ready for the midnight feedings while my hard working husband is sound asleep in the next room while I watch late night tv while I feed my baby. I’m ready for the lots of diapers changes and washing of a million onesies. I’m ready for the tantrums bc yesterday my kid liked a certain food and today they absolutely hate it. I’m ready for the car pools, soccer mom in a minivan routine. I’m ready to face the unknown of what each day may bring. I’m ready to watch my husband be the amazing father to our children that I’ll know he will be. I’m ready for all of that and so much more. We know it’s not always rainbows and butterflies, but we’re ready. We Are Ready. So, as I sit here and wait to be called back to that little waiting room, I hope & pray that this round & this month, I get pregnant, and my husband and I become great parents.

P.s. sorry it was a long read, but I feel I just needed to write it all down somewhere. I guess to try and makes sense of it all. Thank you ladies if you made it this far and for reading all of that!!!