Pcos/ttc x x


Hello everyone

I hope this is allowed! I have pcos and I am also underweight I’m 7 and a half stone ( I’m in my 20’s) I have been trying for so long to out weight in hut nothing seems to help! I am under sub fertility and she is refusing to help me because I am underweight and she is certain that I have a eating disorder ( I do not) i had a problem when I was a teenager (13/14) and that’s been sorted for a long time!!

My periods became really good from October 2019 to March 2020 they then went again and I got one this month! This is a good sign! ( 24th till the 29th so I’m meant to ovulate I’m around 4 days. Only bd once since being off my period on the 2nd.

But my question is does anyone take anything to support your fertility? Like vitamins or anything? Anything so I can try and help myself??

Thank you x x