He’s Not Trying

I’m 18 my bf is 20. He has depression (not diagnosed) and lately it’s gotten worse. He pushes me away, gets irritated easily, says mean things to me. I’ve always told him that I’m here for him with it but he’s not even trying to put effort into our relationship. He’s barely been talking to me the past few days, I asked if he wanted to call and all he said was “no”, the past month he’s barely been coming over anymore, he doesn’t even send me funny memes like he used to. I feel like I’m the one trying so hard and he’s giving up. He refuses to see a therapist for what he’s feeling. I just feel so alone we’ve been together 3 years he’s my best friend but he’s so distant and I feel like he’s not even trying to make our relationship work. The other night he was going on saying he’s an asshole and a bad boyfriend and that I deserve someone better that can make me happy cause he’s a dick. He talked about a “break” so he can figure out his head but I don’t do breaks. I need advice. I’m falling apart.

Edit: when I say he’s not trying I mean to keep our relationship going. He’s putting in no effort. I’m not talking abt his depression! And I give him all the space he needs it’s just hard because he’s not being apart of my life rn.