Symptom spotting lol

So, AF is due in 4 days. I am admittedly symptom spotting, idc. I noticed a few of the super common early signs, but they could also be period symptoms (bloating, cramping, craving, etc.) anyway, the two symptoms I have in question are that I have had terrible heartburn, I normally do, but I was put on medication long ago that mostly curbed it, but now it’s back even with the meds!!

The other one, I have been so gassy!!? I feel like I have huge bubbles in me all the time and it’s so painful and uncomfortable. It woke me from my sleep last night. These have only been happening for 2-3 days now.

My question is would heartburn start THIS early? Also, is gas even a side effect? I’ve changed nothing about my diet/lifestyle. Would gas be happening so soon?

Also today *TMI* I have been pouring CM and I can smell myself more? Not like bad or dirty, just my normal scent but I feel like I can actually smell it as opposed to never smelling it unless I’m all up in it lol.

Idk I just need opinions, I’m driving myself crazy lol.