TW: child SA

I’m currently struggling with the common idea that people abused in their childhood become abusers. I was sexually abused as a child and I know that I am not aggressive or have any kind of menacing wishes in my life, I am known as the kind friend and the therapist friend in my group. During my abuse I was asked to do things to others as well, I don’t want to detail things but I was 8 and I didn’t know what I was doing but i did it. I only realised that I was abused when I was around 15 ( I forgot/ blocked out that it ever happened to me). And now I’m thinking back to the situation and thinking - I technically fit into that phenomenon because during my abuse I was asked to perform things on others too! I’m really struggling with that idea right now and It just doesnt help when I search for Info on the subject online and those are the kind of articles that come up. I know that this phenomenon is so prevalent and unfortunately it is the case in many situations but it makes me feel as though if I tell people about my experience they will jump to the more cautious mentality around me.

If anyone has some words of advice or thoughts on this I would appreciate them. I’m posting anonymously as I don’t want to speak publicly about this so I won’t reply to any comments but please know I will read them and appreciate your thoughts.