4 month old breastfeeding HELP!


From the very beginning our little guy seemed to eat around the clock. I breastfed him on demand. He is 4 months old now and we can’t seem to get in a groove because he still wants to eat every 45 minutes to an hour and only for like 2 minutes. When we bottle feed him we can’t get him to take much more than an ounce. I know we need to stretch out feedings to at least 2 hours but when we do that the last hour is awful and so much crying. He starts daycare in a week and I thought this would be more figured out by now. It is also exhausting and not really fair to my 2 year old. Any advice please! We have thought about just switching to formula and bottle feeding because at least we would know how much he is getting but with COVID our doctor highly suggests we keep breastfeeding.