Things that keep you from your health goals


1: Lack of self confidence

If you don’t love yourself, you’ll struggle immensely with having the willpower to change yourself for the better.

Try to fall in love with the body you have now, and you’ll see that you’ll want to take care of it. If you’re completely infatuated with your goal and discard and hate the body you have now, you’ll easily be discouraged when you don’t have immediate results.

2: Having an all or nothing mentally

A person with this mentality will say the following:

“I’ll wait until next Sunday to start my diet.”

“I had an unhealthy lunch so the day is already ruined.”

“I missed my workout today so I’ll wait until next week to start again.”

“I’ll just wait until the new year to start my health journey.”

I’m sure by reading these you understand the point I’m making. Every second of everyday is a new opportunity to do better for yourself.

3: Not surrounding yourself with positive energy/support.

It’s always a good idea to let loved ones know. (Or even <a href="">eve</a> members lol) about your health journey. Having that support, or a buddy going through your journey with you, can help so much.

This can also mean having to cut out those in your life who put you down or make you feel anything less then a bad b*tch.

4: Not journaling or tracking.

Tracking the way you feel can be extremely beneficial. If you had a hard time with a diet or workout, looking back on how much you’ve grown can be great motivation. It can also help you see what you need to change in your plan. Also, point out changes. By this I mean, if you notice having more energy in the morning, writing this down can be motivation for when you’re feeling discouraged.