Was the L&D nurse right??

I called L&D last night because when I laid down on either side it felt as if my blood circulation was being cut off and I had pressure build up in my ears, shoulder pain, tingling in the neck and face, and it felt like my eyes were bulging(exaggeration on the eye thing, but like that feeling if you were being choked). I was calling them because I noticed my little dude(31 weeks along, third child btw) wasn’t moving really. So I kept track and he only moved once slightly within an hour and a half no matter how much water, juice, or animal crackers I had. I was told by my doctor that if I didn’t feel 5-7 kicks within an hour or two to call L&D or go there. So I called L&D and the nurse did not care, I told her everything I just typed up and she was saying “Well you still have an hour to go you need to track them for an hour, and if you feel 2 kicks within two hours then that’s appropriate”

Seriously, 2 kicks within 2 hours is fine? I was always told different.