Needing emotional support ladies


Hi I'm going through a split with my son's father, he is extremely toxic and verbally abusive but I just keep feel alone and really sad that I couldn't make this mom keeps telling me that its for the best because he did nothing for me and never showed me affection but I'm still missing my best son is my best friend but my ex was my best friend that we were suppose to get married and be in love forever. I still love that asshole.... we broke up 3 days ago and with being in a toxic relationship he isolated me so i have no friends so I'm trying to make friends but i am not very good at it.. but anyways I thought maybe going on a dating site to find friends was a good idea (I created it and like 5 minutes later regretted it instantly so as I was about to delete it I saw my ex on there....he is already trying to date some 2 days after we broke heart is shattered. Im trying to be strong for my son but I cry when he isnt looking or asleep. I've never felt so alone...i didn't realize I could feel so replaceable so easily.... i don't know what to do....anyone have any advice or just want to try to be friends? This probably makes me sound pathetic...