Everything is happening 😹 Tips for pediatrician & moving with a newborn

Long story short, we have been trying to move since we found out I was pregnant but corona ruined all chances of that...until now! My husband accepted a job and we move in SIX weeks to a new state (closer to family 🙌🏻)!! I’m so excited but baby girl is due next week and I’m wondering what y’all would do about finding a pediatrician— my doctors here have been pushing to get one (I never really cared and figured I’d call for one when she’s here and if I didn’t like the doctor then we would switch.) but now I’ll only have a newborn for a few weeks. Then we will be staying with my parents (about 10 hours from where we live now) until we find a house/close on one but their house will be about an hour/two hours from where we will live.

So what the heck do I do 😹 FTM so idk really how many appointments a newborn has early on. Also, anyone else ever move with a newborn? Depending on when she arrives she’ll be about or less than a month old and we will be driving. Going from 0-100 real fast but at least I can start packing the house now and I can stay occupied while waiting for her grand arrival 😹🙌🏻