Dumbest shit ever.

I am 14 weeks pregnant. We just moved. It’s been miserable. My back hurts all the time from cleaning the new house all day while trying to chase a toddler. I woke up several times feeling uncomfortable last night. So, today, I told my husband I need a body pillow.

He tells me I don’t need one. Says I already have one. I don’t. I explain we never bought one last time and I just used a normal pillow, but now we don’t have any extra to use. He argues with me about this. It’s frustrating because it’s literally like $20 and not a big deal.

Then I tell him I had killed a bug downstairs this morning and I wanted to get the house sprayed. I told him this before we even moved. I have a huge bug phobia and we have always had our home professionally sprayed, no issue. He tells me there are no bugs in this house. I reiterate I had just killed one and had seen several. He told me my phobia was stupid and I needed to just get over it. He told me I could either have a body pillow or have the house sprayed, but not both. This pissed me off.

I ask if he could spray the house. He had said he would, so we could save $75. He said he could do it in 3-4 weeks. Like wtf? Then I tell him I will just sleep uncomfortably and I will call the exterminator. He said okay, but they can only spray the outside. What? We have always had the inside sprayed. He said we don’t have a big issue and the inside doesn’t need sprayed. He said the spray has carcinogens that will harm us. I told him my pregnant ass will just spray the damn house then.

He called me selfish and said I am a miserable human being and a jerk. I feel like he is being controlling. I am a SAHM and I have no money of my own. He has been blowing money on everything and I ask for two small things and it’s a huge deal? He said I am spoiled. Said he bought me this house, and called me a dumbass. I’m the jerk though.

I don’t see the big deal. If it helps me feel more comfortable, just spray the house. And let me have my damn pillow.

Edit: Thank you for all the kind words. 😭 I am just very pregnant and this all really upset me today. Thanks for letting me vent and not making me feel worse or stupid.