Baby Organizational Tips


Baby #3 will be here next month and were soo excited but we only have a 2 bedroom and my 2 girls sleep in one and me and hubby sleep in the other. As of right now, I have all his clothes and blankets folded and stuffed in small baskets under his bassinet but I want to get one of those portable closets or the sterlite drawers but idk how big the sterlite drawers are or how much they'll hold. We have all of stuff in their room (diapers, wipes, carseat, stroller, etc) everything is still boxed up but I want to get his stuff out of there, and put his crib in there. But I'm so indecisive. If I put his clothes and stuff in there my 2 year old will think his clothes are for her babies. I only have 6 weeks left until he gets here, maybe sooner and I want to do everything now will I still have the energy and time.