Pelvic pain! In need of relief


This is my 3rd pregnancy and I have not had this with my other 2 pregnancies. I woke up with a lot of pain in my pelvis. It is when I bend, when I walk, when I stand up. It has not let up. I feel like my bones are trying to split into two down there. If I sit down it helps but if I try to close my legs then it pulls and hurts so I can't really get in a comfortable position besides with my legs wide open sitting down. I am 36 weeks and 1 day. My 36 week appointment is tomorrow afternoon. I have not taken tylenol because I want to see if there is some other sort of natural relief. My first born came at 37w3d and my second born came at 38w1d. I feel this baby will be born around then as well. I dont think I will make it past 39w. Baby was also sunny side up at my 34 week appointment.