Need hope and inspiration

Hi everyone

I need some hope so I’m looking for inspiration of you lovely ladies (also it might give others hope and inspiration)

I am just looking to see if anyone had any success stories taking metformin at a low dosage and myo inositol.

Background story:

I am plus size just between 290-300lbs, I was on the implant for five and half years took out January 2019 took four months to get a period the. They would come every 3 months or so. Fast forward to February this year went on 500mg metformin to help regulate cycles as I haven’t had one since November. Got my period in March exactly 21 days after starting 500mg a day of metformin, my cycles have been regular since every 27/30 day. I went up to 850mg a day in may just too see will it help loose weight along with keeping cycles regular. Fast forward to today went to the doctor to see can I up to 1000mg as loads of women seem to fall pregnant on 1000mg but because I have no hormones issues no thyroid issues and no cyst (had scans last year) that she is not happy with upping me dosage so I have been booked in for another scan to check for cyst which there is a back log of 9 months due to covid. Anyway I start myo inositol powder on august 1st(which happened to be my cd1 too). I did ovulate in April and July confirm by blood work in April and opk in July. Picture of myself and my fiancé so this post won’t get lost thank you for reading this far 💖