Doctor pushing unwanted c-section...any advise?


My doctor is claiming that you can’t be induced without being dilated and insisting on scheduling a c-section a few days after my due date which I’ve told her almost every time I go in that no I don’t want one and that I would rather be induced. I’ve also been checked by the hospital three times and I have been dilated at least 1 1/2 cm since I was at 32 weeks. I’m 36 now and she hasn’t checked me to see if I’ve dilated further.

I get the feeling she keeps pushing a c-section on me for her own reasons and she’s not listening to what I want. I happen to know two of her other patients personally who were both induced after their due date and she stripped the membranes so I don’t understand why I’m don’t have that option.

I’m not sure if I should find another doctor or just keep pushing for the birth plan that I want...has anyone else experienced this with a doctor before? I feel like I’m being pushed into a birth plan I don’t feel comfortable with and I’m just not sure what to do or how to go about taking to her about it when I’ve said no several times.