Move or dont move


So my fiancè, myself and our 7 month old daughter have been living in this tiny town , it legit is just a couple houses and a pub. But since the covid, his family will be moving in with us (they used to live here but moved 20kms away for their work).

I can't stand his family, they are rude and his mother and I have very different ideas about parenting my daughter so I don't trust them at all. My fiancè and I fight about it cause he doesn't see how mentally abusive they are to him cause that's what he grew up with.

Anyway we have the opportunity to move in with my parents on their property, 3 hours from here. We wouldn't have to pay rent or worry about food and we could get our bills in order and pay off our debt before getting a place of our own. And we would be living in the granny flat so we would barely be in the house and my parents both work full time so we would barely see them.

And bonus, my two horses are there who I miss like crazy.

Atm I'm just traveling up there for a week at a time. But my fiancè was making it out like he was all keen to move but we have been back home for a couple weeks now and he's totally turned around.

We have been fighting so much cause I don't want to live here (where there is no work options, no shops or schools for 20kms, we have been robbed 3 or 4 times in the past month by people we thought were friends, and soon we will be living with his family who are the most manipulative people I've ever met) and he doesn't wanna live in Orange (where my parents are).

He wants to stay here cause all his project cars are here which is costing us a fortune, his family is here and his friends are here.. I don't have anything here but my iancè and our baby.

I can't work cause I'm looking after bub full time and my fiancè isn't working anymore and is enjoying the time off so much that he doesn't wanna go back to work yet. So we are living off bloody centrelink payments. 😑😔

He said before that if we keep fighting about this then how could we have a future together 😭 idk what to do.