I am 4 days late 😍🥰


I am wondering if I should take a pregnancy test soon. My menstrual has always been the same... I have 22 day cycle, and usually last only 4 days, but nothing? So I am hoping that is good news for my hubby and me. I use about 4 maybe 5 apps and all of them say I am 4 days late. Today I have experience the most weirdest cramps but no implantation bleeding just small time cramping and no menstrual. Someone give me some advice when should I get a test. Also all my apps show that I should be ovulating now because my menstrual would of came and gone by now for my new ovulation days to start. Someone help me would a pregnancy test show positive at this time? Because all my apps show that I should be ovulating by now but how can I if my period is late and now pretty much missed? And what is considered missed, the fact that I didn’t menstruated the usually 4 days I was suppose to right. Because if that is the case yes my period was missed 😍🥰😘😇 ladies needing so womanly advice would help a lot I am 34 and would be first tome mommy. Plus last time we found out I was pregnant I miscarried don’t want to experience that again!!?