Negative pt after medically managed miscarriage

Claire 👶🏼💗👼🏻🐶🤰

How long did it take you to get a negative test after a medically managed miscarriage?

I had one 6 weeks ago tomorrow and still having positive tests. Having a scan tomorrow and feeling nervous 😓


Had this done at 13 1/2 weeks but baby had stopped growing at 9

Started bleeding a little bit this morning but went for the appointment. They took a wee sample when I got there and said it was negative so didn’t need a scan. She then decided to do one anyway as it had been 6 weeks. As I was bleeding I said I would prefer not an internal one. While doing the normal scan she found something 2cm in size (wasn’t sure what it was) but said it had a blood supply. (So test should have still been positive like the one I took 3 days ago)

She said I could have the tablets again (really don’t want to have them again) book in for surgery or wait and see if it comes out now I have started bleeding and have another scan in a couple of weeks 😓 I just want this to be over.