

Baby update! Tell me what your loved one has been up to lately!!

My 10 mo old has 2 bottom teeth (top two on the way)

Will occasionally say mama or didi(when referring to dada), try to bark with the dogs, shakes head no and recognizes what no means when it is said to her

Has favorite toys, definitely prefers empty water bottles though

Will eat and try any food (soo happy we decided to go the BLW route at 6 mo)

She is on the 1 nap schedule now ( her class has just recently transitioned from the 2 naps to the 1)

Is finally sleeping through the night and if she wakes up it’s only once to eat

And just took her first 2 steps today!!

Being a FTM , it feels soo surreal how much a 10 month old baby can do. It feels like just the other day I was holding my premature tiny little baby in my arms. It’s so bittersweet how time flies!!