Update on Roralees heart


Update on our sweet baby girl.

First off she is 2 pounds and 13 oz! Such a big girl!

So here is what we found out.

Her heart issue is actually a little different from how my normal doctor explained.

Basically the vain from the placenta is suppose to go thru her liver and lessen the blood blow to her heart. Instead it is directly attached to the right side of her heart and is causing and over load of blood being pumped out.

Now this is so rare that they didn’t have a direct answer as to what might happen but she will NOT need heart surgery!! Yay!!

Bad news ....

This defect usually comes with buddy.

He said she could have a liver deformity that would be a chronic problem for the rest of her life.

Or her intestines could be wrapped the wrong way and would need same day surgery or she would starve to death.

The last thing that could be wrong is a genetic defect that would basically mean she wouldn’t make it to a year old.

He said we will not know any of those answers until she is born.

More bad news. Her heart has become enlarged in the past three days since I’ve had an ultrasound. No sign of heart failure yet but her heart is for sure over worked and stressed out.

Once she is born the heart issue will resolve itself with no issue.

We now just have to worry about her liver and intestines.