Baby cries if I put her down or leave the room

My baby is a month old and she will cry if I leave the room or wants to sleep with a bottle. I know your not suppose to let her sleep with a bottle but she will cry and won't take a pacifier. Most of the time she wants to sleep on my chest against my breast while eating a bottle. I didn't breastfeed her because my milk was 5 days late and she would just cry on my breast. The hospital never got me in touch with a lactation consultant and with this coronavirus stuff you cant go in person so I got stressed out and now my milk is completely gone. My bf is kinda mad that I didn't try harder but on top on everything I got postpartum depression and took it out on my bf. I was crying and suicidal. I still cry from lack of sleep and depression but not as much and I had my baby beginning of July. My psychiatrist didn't even help me much. I'm on one medication for sleep that leaves me groggy and tired so I overslept but if I don't take it then I don't sleep so it's either not sleeping or sleeping too much. Also my therapist stopped taking my insurance and most places only do video calling. And I delvoped a bad uti my baby wants to constantly hold her if I don't she cries so I can't put her down to eat or go to the bathroom. So I haven't been taking care of myself not drinking enough water or eating much. I'm basically running on empty. My bf has 3 months off to help me but he has to go back to work soon. I wish we both had more help. I know I just should suck it up because it's just part of being a parent and I shouldn't complain so much.