Baby is a HUGE eater

Brooklynn • 23, married, mom to 2 wonderful boys, Mason and Tristan, and a 3rd boy is due July 9th, 2020.

So, my 7 week old son is a HUGE eater. I mean, he's gained 2lbs in 3 weeks type of huge. I have drank gallons of water, tried lactation cookies, etc to get my supply up so I can make enough for him but I just can't. He just eats way way too much. I had to start supplementing and he would drink a 5oz-7oz bottle at a time. I don't make near that much. I skipped a feeding yesterday and when I pumped I only for 4oz 🤦. While we've been supplementing, I've noticed some issues with my baby. He seems to have an allergy or sensitivity to lactose and dairy and soy as well. The dairy made formulas caused him to break out in a rash all over his head, face, neck, chest, and back. Plus his poop turned into liquid green poop during that time. I took him off of those and tried the sensitive formulas and he spit up on those. Then we tried the soy, and that gave him such horrible gas you could hear it across the room and his stomach stayed rock hard. Has anyone dealt with this before in their infant? My 1st son has issues but he could handle soy, my 2nd son didn't have a single issue breastfeeding. And this kid just eats a ton. I don't know what we could put him on or try or what I could do to feed him EBF.