Friday Check-in 8/7 💪🏿💪🏾💪🏽💪🏼💪🏻


Helllooo beautiful glow gals, the wonderful sisterhood of <a href="">IVF</a> warriors!

How is everyone doing this Friday?? I nearly forgot it was Friday!! Covid days can begin to blur together, no??

I’m feeling super relieved after a huge scare this week. I made dinner Monday night (first big mistake—I’m not the cook, my husband is) and I was all proud of myself (oooooh boy, wait for it). I woke up at 245am that morning feeling weird. Went to the loo and hoped it was nothing. Well, I woke up again 2 hours later with searing upper abdomen pain, definitely food poisoning pain.

Freak out begins. Did I eat something with Listeria?? Pain doesn’t stop for hours. I google like crazy (huge mistake!!!). Will I miscarry or permanently damage the neurological system of our baby?? This is what I’m seeing about food poisoning. And what did I eat that was wrong??

I go through all the things I used and find not one but 2 culprits: raw unpasteurized vinegar, which wasn’t on our no go list!! And my Parmesan was unpasteurized too! Gah!! Hard cheese was supposed to be ok! What had I done?? I cooked both ingredients but was that enough?

I called the nurse who was so unhelpful. She just said that stomach pain is a symptom of covid and if I developed diarrhea I couldn’t come in for my second beta the next day.


So that made me freak out even more. This all the while the hurricane is literally downing trees in our yard and I’m huddled in our bathroom praying I don’t get diarrhea though it feels like there are swords stabbing me in my upper tummy and I might any minute have my own hurricane in the loo.

Thank goodness, no diarrhea emerges, the storm finally dies down (though we lose our power) and we go to second beta the next day.

Everything turned out to be fine, second beta was great at 6924 at week 5.

I swear, that was one of the worst 24 hours of my life to this point!!! And I still don’t know why my tum hurt so bad!! Hubby’s did too, but not nearly as bad as mine. Ugh! No more cooking for me though !! 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤪. Who knows what happened. Forever a mystery.

How is everyone holding up??? There’s been lots of good news but also tough set backs. How’s everyone doing??

At the very least, we are all moving bravely forward, storms ahead and storms behind. We will make it , no matter where we are in this wild ride!