Heartbeat but no yolk sac ? Help !!

Gia • Baby on board 🤰🏾👣!

Today I am 5w+3d, I went into the emergency room for abdominal pain and severe cramps. There was no bleeding or passing of any tissue. They ran blood test and took urine samples which all came back normal and everything looked good. I went in for ultrasounds and they confirmed that the baby is in the right spot. I saw what looked to be a yolk sac and I asked the sonographer if it was in fact a yolk sac and I was told that it was. It was visible on screen during the abdominal ultrasound but not the transvaginal ultrasound. The doctors then told me that my pregnancy seemed abnormal because there was no yolk sac but there was a heartbeat (all though it wasn’t strong) . I saw the yolk sac and the sonographer confirmed that there was one, but the doctors said there wasn’t....Has this happened to anyone?