**TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️** My BFP story... If you care



My abuser said his goal was to make sure I could never have kids with anyone else in life.

3 years of trying, pelvic inflammatory disease as a result of the abuse, hecka scar tissue in my reproductive system from physical trauma, fully blocked tubes, almost dying from an ectopic because of it, lost 1 tube and half of my ovary, 7 early miscarriages *before 5 weeks* & 1 missed miscarriage.

Doctors looked at me like I was stupid for trying all the natural remedies I tried. They said my only hope was

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

, if even that.

They even had me on schedule to remove my last tube because they said it was pointless.

Some doctors pushed for a full hysterectomy and told me “at least you have 1 already”

I got my dye stealing blazing positive 😭 & the little bean is IN THE RIGHT PLACEEEEEEEEEE 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

I’m 5+6 now and praying so so so hard that nothing goes wrong. I’ve been wanting this so bad for so long.

Anywho, Never let your abusers past words dictate your immediate blessings.

You can do it.

Don’t give up.

Just thought I’d share because I’m too happy to keep it to myself but not ready to share with family yet ☺️