Dizzyness for a week. Is it vertigo?


I was drinking heavy on Saturday night and Sunday morning I was throwing up and having intense dizzy spells, certain positions made the room spin. It slowly went away and then a few days ago it came back when I put my head upside down to wrap my hair in a towel. Ever since then I’ve been getting random dizzy spells. Even just laying still.

I went to the doctor yesterday and i got tested for Strep throat which I have apparently and he prescribed me amoxicillin and ear drops. I don’t even have a sore throat. Just some recent mild ear pressure

It’s been a day and I still feel out of balance, slightly dizzy in certain positions. I’m nervous and have bad anxiety causing me to be a little nauseous and lose my appetite because I’m scared of getting another dizzy spell. Should I go back to the doctor??