What should I do with my personal issue?

MariaGuadalupe • LoveLifeLoveyourselfLoveLaughLoveNature&sky. I have learned over the years how important it is to be positive.

So for years I have always been the one to go to for everything since I was 13yrs old I live with family members but it’s more like a roommate thing going on. I have major issues with some of my cousins and their mom . People who know us have told me that the situation can get very dangerous and bad for me because one of my cousins has drug related issues and alcoholism. Even the other one does too and their mom gets very angry when I demand respect for myself and my sister who is wheelchair bound and we both need our private time and quite. I am ready to move out because am scare that things can get out of control and I can be hurt or get hurt for having to intervene while there is heated arguments to the point of police and restraining orders have had to happen for my uncle ( my dads brother) to try and make things a little better for the whole family. But am done and I don’t like to feel threatened or for my life to be in danger. My parents and my younger sister live in MX so I guess I should put some good distance between me and my Cousins and their mom.

I love my uncle as my second dad and I feel bad so bad for moving on and out of this apartment. He can always count on me forever.

Can anyone give me some advice and words of wisdom I just really needed to talk to someone about this , thank you 🙏 god bless you all