Postpartum thoughts

Michelle (mamabear)

Hey mamas. I assume we’ve all had our babies by now. Hoping you all had safe and happy deliveries-especially considering this stupid pandemic. My LO is now 4 weeks old, and man is the PPD/newborn struggle real! I’ve felt really lonely-even though I’m not alone. So I thought it might help to just...reach out, and see how everyone else is doing. I have four kids-a 12 year old daughter, twin nine year old boys, and an infant. I was free and clear, y’all! All my kids knew how to wipe their own butts, went to bed when I told them to, and entertained themselves. We could hop in the car last minute and go anywhere we wanted, or we could have lazy days and not move a muscle. Then along came our surprise baby :) It’s not that I regret’s just, I miss the ease of only having older kids. It sounds awful to say, I know. But I misssss sleep. And rest. And alone time with my husband. Lol.

Anyway. Baby is waking up for her first “give em hell” stint of the night 😂Gonna go get some cuddles! How are you guys??