Anxiety controlling my life

I, like many others, have struggled with depression and anxiety for awhile. A couple years back I got some help with medication and counseling. Maybe 6 months ago I worked myself off my antidepressant. I felt as though it wasn’t helping and so I talked to my doc and got off of it. I haven’t really had too many problems with my depression after stopping meds and when I do I know how to cope with it. My counselor ended up getting pregnant and quitting her job so I don’t get to talk to her anymore and I didn’t want another one, I thought I’d be alright.

I’d say I’m alright for the most part but I ABSOLUTELY CANT COPE WITH MY ANXIETY. I shut down in social settings. I avoid doing things out of fear of being in a social setting. I’m terrified to apply to jobs and get started with college because I’m so anxious and fearful of how things will turn out. I feel as though I can’t be myself. In fact I’m not even sure what being myself is.

I feel like a prisoner in my own mind and I’m honestly miserable every single day. I know a lot of people struggle with this and I just want some advice.

Have you gone through this and found something that helps? Should I contact my doctor and try to get put on meds to help my anxiety?

I just want to feel better. I just want to be able to feel like myself again. Thank you all in advance