My scary birth story..


I was 39w 3 days pregnant when I went for my regular checkup. My ongyn noticed that the fluid level has dropped and asked me to go to hospital and get admitted because they need to monitor the baby. It was 16 july. We got admitted at 12:00 pm. After the initial checks the induction process started. I was already 1cm dilated. A folly balloon was put inside and I was asked to walk around.

They said the balloon will work in 12 hours and it will dilate me further to 4 or 5 cm.

I started having big contractions which I breath through.

Well the balloon did fall out in mere 4.5 hours and i was dilated 5cm.

My nurse then wanted to break my water and start on pitocin. I refused and asked to let labour progress on its own.

They agreed to give me 2 hours. After two hours there was no progress and i was getting less contractions.

Finally the pitocin was started at night starting from dose of 2 and increasing it every 1 hr. I slept through it and in the morning my doc came and broke my water..

The labour progressed and i took epidural in few hours knowing i was only 6.5cm until then.

I was given a peanut ball and in 2.5 hrs I was fully dilated to 10cm.

I started pushing at 2:28 pm and my little boy came out at 3:28 pm of 17 july. That was pretty fast for a FTM.

We bonded for an hour but after an hour the complication started. I started having strong pain in the rectum which only grew more and more after every minute.

Looking at my condition my doc came back in emergency as none of the residents were able to figure out what was wrong.

They tried to bring down the pain before checking the cause.

Tried different medicines but they didnt work, my BP dropped down to 45 and i became unconscious from the pain.

Finally in the morning one combination of medicines worked and i was taken for a CAT scan.

The scan showed that i had a huge pool of blood in my pelvis. It was a 10cm hematoma caused by rupture of a small blood vessel in pelvis

My doc refused to open me up and cause an infection in the process. He let the hematoma resolve itself and continued giving me the pain meds.

Today I am 22 days pp and the hematoma has reduced to 6cm. Hopefully it shrinks down quickly.

I met my beautiful baby boy the next day of all the chaos when my vitals became stable.

He was born 7lbs 11.5 oz, 21 1/4 in. He is a long baby 🙂