Dear ex

Krista ♥️ • Just your mentally unstable bsf 😵‍💫✨

I hate you, even if it was some small middle school relationship, you pushed me around, you tried to force kiss me when I told you I wanted my first kiss to be perfect and with someone I knew I was going to spend my life with, you liked to hurt me when your friends where around, you pushed me to the ground, against the wall, etc. You seemed so perfect, and kind, but your such an a**hole. And get this, after I ended our relationship, you text back a week later saying you would change, and when I didn’t let you stay with me, you came to my house brainwashed my parents into thinking we where back together, and hit me, hard, so when I say to leave me alone, it means, leave me alone, there is a reason I blocked your number, lost communication, and looked happier, you caused me to lose trust in guys that want to be with me

This is a pic of me, he also called me names like “ugly, slut, etc.” he was the reason I lost confidence in myself,

To the reader: if you made it this far thank you, here is a heart for you ❤️