Anyone else feel guilty bringing home baby to their pet?

This is silly, but I felt (still kind of feel) so guilty for bringing home baby to my pet.

I've got a cat and he could not have cared less and everything is going great but I still feel so guilty. He is my baby. I jokingly call him my first born. He is attached to me at the hip and constantly on top of me, but of course since we brought our baby home I have less time to pay attention to the cat. I still make an effort and my love for him hasn't waned at all. But this feeling of guilt is eating me up. I can't shake the feeling that the cat is confused or sad (he's so not. Literally acting totally normal) that I am not devoting all my time to him anymore.

Anyone else a total basket case about their pets? Did you feel guilty about bringing a baby into the mix? I know it's silly, and it's just a cat but I love him so much. 😂 Of course the baby is the priority but change is hard.

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