Anyone else’s baby 1 month and not sleeping long stretches?


I feel like so many parents keep posting about how long their baby is able to sleep at night and I’m feeling like I’m the only unlucky one whose baby wakes to eat every 2 to 2.5 hours - day and night. Baby is 4w4d and is formula fed. We almost never get a stretch longer than 2.5 hours, even during the day. He also struggled with GULPING his food down when we first gave him a bottle (and still have this issue now) so we have him using a slow flow bottle to prevent gas, choking and spitting up - which means it takes him about 30-45 minutes to finish a 2.5-3 oz bottle and be changed, which leaves me with just about an hour, or less, of sleep between feeds. It’s so exhausting!! Anyone else in this boat?! 😩